Visiting and Volunteering

Visiting and Volunteering

Porepunkah Primary School strives to create an open and inclusive school community and encourages parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s development and education. We also strive to foster strong partnerships with local community services, schools and other organisations.

Visitors to the School

From time to time, different members of the public may visit our school and we have a Visitors Policy in place to ensure we can provide a safe place for our students.  All visitors are required to report to the school office on arrival and some may be required to sign our Child Safe Code of Conduct and provide a current Working with Children Check.


Porepunkah Primary School values the incredible contribution that volunteers make to this school.  We have a Volunteers Policy in place to ensure we are implementing and following practices which protect the safety and wellbeing of children and our staff and volunteers.  If you wish to volunteer at the school you are encouraged to make contact with the Principal, School Council President, Business Manager, member of staff or Parents and Friends Club President.  The school will communicate requests for volunteers for special events, duties or school activities through the school newsletter, and on ClassDojo or by personally approaching members of the school community when there is a need.

Working With Children Check (WWCC)

Considering our legal obligations, and our commitment to ensuring that Porepunkah Primary School is a child safe environment, we will require volunteers to obtain a Working with Children Check and produce their valid card to the Business Manager for verification.  A Working with Children Check is free for volunteers and involves an online application, identification verification and lodgement at Australia Post.  Once processed and approved, bring your card into the school for a copy to be placed with our confidential records. 

Parent Visits during the School Day

While we do not encourage visits by parents during the school day, we understand that there may be exceptional circumstances that warrant a visit.  We ask that parents contact the classroom teacher or principal to discuss the reasons for the visit.  Visits by parents can unsettle students and cause unnecessary disruptions to the school day.