Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and reporting is an important part of the learning process.  At Porepunkah Primary School students are assessed against the Victorian Curriculum using a wide variety of different tools and tasks. Teachers use their assessment of your child’s progress to inform their teaching and to plan programs appropriate to the needs of each child.

Student Reporting

A formal report of student learning progression is produced at the end of each semester. These reports are a summary of learning for the semester and include teacher comments on learning progression, goals for future learning and an assessment against the Victorian Curriculum. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We offer Parent-Teacher Conferences twice a year and can offer additional meetings upon request.  The Parent-Teacher Conference in term one gives both the teacher and the parent the opportunity to share information, set learning goals and develop a partnership for supporting learning throughout the year.  An additional conference is held at the end of semester one to provide the opportunity to discuss learning progress, set future learning goals or discuss support options.  Our school sees this as an important part of our home-school partnership and we encourage all families to participate in this process. We use the School Interviews app to schedule conferences - a link is emailed home to each family to choose the day and time that best suits them.

Information Nights

From time to time we give the parents the opportunity to come into the school for an information night, curriculum night or special display.  These are great opportunities to see learning in action, visit classroom learning spaces and hear from our students. Information about these nights will be communicated to parents using the usual communication streams. The school holds an annual information night for prospective Foundation Students, this is open to all families who are interested in learning more about the school.