Fruit Break
All classes have a fruit break each day at 10am. This allows students to have a nutritious snack and while continuing their learning through the morning session. Some classes use their fruit break as an opportunity to take a quick break while other classes encourage students to eat as they work. Please ensure that your child has a piece of fresh or dried fruit for this time. Smaller children may need their fruit cut into a more manageable size.
Recess and Morning Snack
Students are encouraged to bring a snack to eat at the beginning of recess in the eating area. We try to encourage healthy and rubbish free options. If sending along small container, please label them with your child’s name.
Lunch is eaten from 1.00pm- 1.10pm in the eating area. Students are encouraged to use this time to eat and are not permitted to play during this time. A teacher is allocated to this area during this time to supervise students. Each class has a designated area and are encouraged to put their lunchboxes in the classroom tub.
Nut Aware Policy
Porepunkah Primary School aims to be a nut aware school. Products with nuts as a listed ingredient are not allowed at school. Products that “may contain traces of nuts” are okay to bring to school.
Lunch Orders
We have an arrangement with the Porepunkah Roadhouse to provide a lunch order service as a convenience for parents. A price list is sent out at the start of each term and children write their order on a paper bag or envelope and enclose the money. Monitors come and collect the orders each morning and deliver the lunches back to school by 1.00pm. Please ensure correct money is enclosed.
Although this convenient service is appreciated by everyone, we try to discourage children from having a lunch order every single day. We encourage all parents to be very aware of the dietary requirements of healthy, growing children and the need for them to develop a balanced diet and good eating habits. Please only order items listed on the menu as we have like to encourage a healthy eating philosophy. Soft drinks, fried foods and lollies are not permitted at school.
Birthday Food Items
From time-to-time parents may wish to send up a treat to celebrate a birthday. We encourage parents to contact the class teacher to minimise disruption to the daily learning program. Please be reminded of the need to be nut aware when sending up treats and have a list of all ingredients. Parents may also explore sending non-food treats such as pencils instead.