Student Behaviour Support

At Porepunkah Primary School, we fundamentally believe in the dignity, respect and worth of every member. Open, honest and respectful communication is essential in the prevention and early identification of problems.  We believe that proactive steps need to be implemented to promote positive behaviour and to reduce the instances of negative behaviour in our community.

Rights and Responsibilities

To achieve inclusivity of all members of our community, rights and responsibilities are essential. A right is a non-negotiable entitlement and value which is owed to every person. A responsibility is the action, which needs to be undertaken by all members of our community to ensure a cohesive environment is maintained.

Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct aims to be fair, consistent and reasonable leading students to be independent and happy, mentally healthy citizens. We link actions with logical consequences as learning opportunities for all stakeholders in our school.  In everything we do, we believe that positive relationships are the most important factor in defining behaviour.

School Wide Positive Behaviours

Our school is proud of the way we all model positive behaviours across the school.  We use our school values and explicit teaching to reinforce these positive ways on interacting with each other. Students are recognised for their behaviour and we share this with their parents.  We are very proud of the ‘cool’ choices our students make every day.

Managing Negative Behaviours

At all times, we try to teach students how to interact with each other in a positive way.  Should students make an ‘uncool’ choice they will be warned, reminded of the correct way of behaving, have a conversation with a teacher, may be removed from an activity or miss out on future activities. Parents will be contacted should the behaviour become serious.

Restorative Conference

Restorative Conferences gives everyone a voice when there has been an incident or issue. It restores relationships and teaches students how to self-regulate their behaviour.  Students work through the incident with a teacher and aim to fix the situation to be able to move on.

Managing Bullying

Porepunkah Primary School is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning environment where bullying will not be tolerated. Bullying complaints will be taken seriously and responded to sensitively at our school. We investigate all allegations in a timely manner and consider the most appropriate response to any bullying behaviour.  Monitoring and following up on the implemented strategies and responses are a key part of managing bullying.  We encourage all community members to speak up against bullying of any sort.