The Victorian Curriculum forms the basis of all curriculum at Porepunkah Primary School and we regularly review our curriculum to ensure that it is meeting the needs of all learners.
Learning Areas | Capabilities |
The Arts – Dance, Drama, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts English Health and Physical Education The Humanities – Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography, History Languages – Italian Mathematics Science Technologies – Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies | Critical and Creative Thinking Ethical Intercultural Personal and Social |
The Literacy Workshop
All students participate in a Literacy block each day for at least two hours. This covers learning in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Speaking and Listening. During this time teachers use the Workshop Instructional Model to provide explicit teaching through mini-lessons, guided reading and writing groups and independent learning activities. Students are guided through the learning intention of each activity and how they can be successful in their learning. Our Literacy programs focus on the learning needs of the individual student.
The Numeracy Workshop
The Numeracy Block generally runs between recess and lunchtime each day and covers all areas of learning in Mathematics. Staff also use the Workshop Instructional Model to teach Numeracy with a focus on equipping students will skills and knowledge to develop the Mathematics proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning. Activities are generally hands-on, involve lots of games and are open-ended to allow for individual learning during the Numeracy Block.
HST Inquiry Curriculum
Our Humanities, Science or Technology (HST) Inquiry Curriculum incorporates learning across all curriculum areas with a focus on either Humanities, Science or Technology. Students learn about the world around them using inquiry techniques. Unit topics change each term and students are challenged to solve problems, present projects, create artefacts and work as a part of a group.
Intervention Programs
Porepunkah Primary School may run intervention programs such as the Levelled Literacy Intervention program, literacy or numeracy targeted tutoring or the Toe by Toe reading program from time to time depending on the availability of staff. Students are also supported through Individual Learning Plans where specific goals and targeted learning is implemented for periods of their school life. We will always discuss these programs with parents to work together for the best possible outcome.
Specialist Programs
The school currently offers specialist teaching and learning in The Arts, Music, Digital Technology and Italian. Classroom teachers plan their own Physical Education sessions.